воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.

Helpful Hints

Outlook is appreciated. Especially knowlage in Swedens economy, high standarts of living, sports, etc.

DONOT foget to thank people who treated you with a dinner or who gave you a gift.

DONOT preach up other cities or area in a Sweden, because Swedes are very proud of their own city.

DONOT mention suicide rate, prices or thier lifestyle.


Gifts are generally not exchanged in business, but it is common to give small Christmas gifts to a Swedish colleague. Gifts representative of one's business or home area are appropriate.

When you were invited to someone's home always bring small givt. If host has little children you can buy them candy or something like that.

As a gift you can give chcolates, flowers or wine. DONOT give cristal or itemes made in Sweden.

You should open gift immediately after receiving a gift.

суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.


Sweden wear fashionable, but also casual. It's very important to be well dressed. 
For business, men should wear conservative suits and ties. Women should wear dresses, suits, and pantsuits.